The Story of Shammah – You Have to Work to Win

In our world, there is a strange idea that things will happen just because we wish for them to happen. People seem to think that we are all living in a Disney movie. When you wish upon a star… Nothing is ever accomplished by merely wishing upon a star. Shammah did not win the battle by wishing for it to happen. He had to take his weapon, stand in the field, and fight. 2 Samuel 23:12 states that he defended the field and killed the Philistines. I don’t think that was pretty or easy. It required effort. It required blood and sweat. The end result was victory. But the end result was also exhaustion. This was not a movie. Shammah stood in the middle of that bean patch and fought with everything he had in him. The victory did not happen without effort.

Most Christian men desire for their families to be strong. They want their children to know the Lord. They want their churches to make a difference in the world. They want there to be a challenging men’s ministry. They desire quality children and youth ministries in their church. But we often want all of those things to happen with little or no personal effort or sacrifice. But the truth is that you will have to work to win. You won’t win the battle unless you are willing to fight the battle. Don’t keep expecting someone else to do it. Christian men, pick up your sword, get out in the middle of the field, and fight. You will have to sweat. It will take time that you could have used for your hobby. You may bleed. This is not a Disney movie. You will have to work to win the battle. You can’t disciple your children and grandchildren by taking it easy or by hoping someone else will do it. Men need to take personal responsibility. You will have to stand up and defend the field in order to win the battle. Men, when is the last time you were exhausted in the service of your Lord?

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