Tender Warrior

We often think of real men as being tough but not tender. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Jesus was a tender warrior. Watch him take a whip and drive the money changers out of the Temple and you will not doubt his toughness. Listen to him tell it like it is to the face of his enemies and you will know He was a warrior. He could be fierce when it was necessary. But don’t forget that Jesus was also a tender warrior. He wept. He took children into His arms and blessed them. He was gentle and tender with the woman caught in adultery. In fact, the Scripture declares that the Messiah would not break a bruised reed. He will not snuff out a smoldering wick (Matthew 12:20). There is gentleness about Jesus that in no way detracts from His strength. He was a tender warrior.

Think about the last 2 days of your life. In what ways have you modeled the gentleness of Jesus to your wife? To your children? To your church family? I am not asking if you are a pushover or a doormat. Jesus was neither of those things. I am asking if you have compassion. I am asking if your toughness (which is essential) is balanced with tenderness. Do you care about people? Are you a tender warrior? “But the fruit of the Spirit is…gentleness…” (Galatians 5:22-23)

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