Stay in the Fight!

Samuel Whittemore was 80 years old when the British army marched by his farm. The year was 1775. The British were marching back to Boston after the battles of Lexington and Concord. Patriots from all over the countryside took their places behind trees and stone walls and continued to take the fight to the British. Samuel Whittemore had every reason to stay out of the fight. He was 80. No one would have faulted him for taking a pass. But Samuel Whittemore stayed in the fight. He found a place behind a stone wall near his farm and waited for the British to come. He armed himself with a musket, 2 dueling pistols, and a sword. When the British came within range, he shot one with his musket. He got 2 more with his dueling pistols. The enemy soon figured out where he was and charged his location. He fought them with his sword until he was shot in the face. He fell to the ground and was bayonetted 6 times before being beaten with muskets. He was left for dead in a puddle of blood. But Samuel Whittemore didn’t die that day. He was found by other Patriots and carried to a doctor. The doctor patched him up the best he could and assumed he would die. He actually lived 18 more years. By the way, when he was found by the Patriots, guess what he was doing? He was attempting to reload his musket so he could stay in the fight!

Men, we must stay in the fight! We don’t need more men running from the enemy in fear or refusing to engage due to apathy. We need men who take their place on the wall against the forces of evil and stand their ground. When you are wounded in the battle, you should be found reloading with the intent of staying in the fight. Turn your thoughts to Jesus. He endured incredible hostility from sinners, yet He stayed in the fight. His example is to motivate us to stay in the fight. In our fight against sin, we have not resisted to the point of shedding our blood (Hebrews 12:3-4). Act like a man! Stay in the fight!

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